Compassion in Perpetual Action
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LOVE! Spoken word by TYE MARTIN


Compassion in Perpetual Action

Doris and I have been compassionately involved in ministry for over 60 years… at every level. During this time, one thing has remained scripturally constant, and the driving passion behind this 21st-century cyberspace mission station (website). Sadly, in some ways, the institutional church body has not remained constant in its application, to which we also sometimes plead guilty.
This powerful and poetic Spoken Word, apologetically, says it much better than we ever could. After viewing, we invite you to delve deeper here and join us in The MORE! Revolution.
Joe and Doris Noland
LOVE! Spoken word by TYE MARTIN

= Compasssion in Perpetual Motion
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Maximize Mercy
The more of mercy, the less of evil;
it's as simple as that!
Our Vision is for MORE!
Minimize Malevolence
Malevolence: “Showing a wish to do evil to others.”
Evil abounds, but it cannot begin to compete with the
super-abounding power of compassion.
Our Vision: MORE = less!
Mobilize MORE
Whereas ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glory,
the MAJORITY of us are inherently good,
created in his image.
Our Mission: Mobilize the majority for MORE!

He has shown you what is good.
And what does that Lord require of you?
Act justly
Love mercy
Walk humbly
(with your God)
(Micah 6:8)
Scroll down to learn MORE! about
Our Dream
The Mission & Vision

A Compassionate Call to Radical Action !
By Joe Noland
This book and its companion piece below are twin centerpieces of The MORE Revolution. It's about finding that critical balance between man’s law and God’s love. It's about modeling the “compassionate radicalism” of Jesus: Spirit-filled magnanimity, aggressive forgiveness, reaching out riskily, unconditionally. It is compassion in action! The book concludes with a prescriptive (Rx) call to radical action, six simple steps that, if followed faithfully, will be both life-changing and world-altering.

"Lean Right, Love Left" is a powerful and prophetic word -- spoken with grace and compassion. It may not be an easy word for some to hear, but a word that needs to be heard. Though we may differ at points, the call is compelling for a more inclusive understanding of the mandate to love -- for Jesus 'sake.'
—General Paul A. Rader (Ret.)

Out of the Rubble...

This companion piece takes you on an allegorical adventure in the form of a love song, its reoccurring theme, Love Conquers All—has no limits… no boundaries known unto man.
It's about radical, mission-oriented leadership and the dangers of monument making–-where process, bigness, status quo and control become more important than the mission. It's a playful, yet urgent reminder that leadership, without compassion and mercy, will suffer eternal consequences. A must read for every aspiring leader.
A "Survival Guide" for mercy-minded, mission-oriented leaders.
by Joe Noland
Click Cover Below
"Together Joe and Doris Noland have birthed a prophetic picture of mercy and love enabled leadership."
-Major Abby

Out of the Rubble
What people are saying...
"Noland does it again. This title carries the “Who Moved the Cheese” vibe and gently but persuasively winds the reader around his finger until we're all wrapped up in the simple but powerful allegory. We're left with fresh eyes to see. It's like someone flicked the light on, or switched us from black and white to colour. It can be a shock to the system, but it is a good one." —Stephen Court
"Wow, just stumbled on this on FB. Great title, it grabbed me; we have to be committed to make sure the legacy we leave is a righteous one!"
—Mary Sue Gray-Castillo
"The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the world-a saved sinner telling about the salvation of Jesus Christ"
—Dwight Moody

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All proceeds to support the unique ministry of
MORE Music
Click on any song to listen. Put the cursor over "Buy Album" at the top to purchase. Thanks for supporting Revolution Hawaii. Enjoy!

On this CD Doris Noland uses her gifts as a composer, lyricist and vocalist to touch, comfort, encourage and inspire. Her style is 60’s folk, honed in the coffee houses and on the streets of San Francisco.
All proceeds to support the unique ministry of Revolution Hawaii

Check out REVHI gallery and learn more about the stories of love in action!
Click on any song to listen. Put the cursor over "Buy Album" at the top to purchase. Thanks for supporting Revolution Hawaii. Enjoy!