R Rated!
(Victims of Incest, Rape, Abuse Liberation) The “R” rating is threefold: 1. Raw! Real! This web series is not for the fainthearted or...

9/11 UNSUNG!
This photo taken when General Gowans visited Ground Zero in NYC (at the memorial for first responders who perished there). Just prior to...

Vigilante Love!
I’ve been thinking, maybe a little too deeply, does Satan respond to love? I think not. Hate is the antithesis of love and Satan is the...

Transformational Leadership!
In 2009, I wrote the following tribute. As I'm now adding it as a chapter in my soon to be published book, I felt prompted to share in...

Over the Congress weekend, so many asked what I am doing creatively and productively these days. Here's how I should have answered: I’ve...

Marching On!
With appointments being announced today, thought I would share excerpts from a book I am writing, still in its unedited form, the...

But wait theres more! (See previous post) The dream (previous post) nightmare continues here. Those who followed, several Head Honchos...

Last night I dreamt that Jesus changed his plans with another coming before the final one, in order to give us a second chance at getting...

Love Leads! To God be the Glory!
Thumbing through the March 2017 issue of the War Cry, a bit of nostalgia, along with a sense of eternal satisfaction floods our souls. On...

The Church (Body of Christ) must be ever mobile, fluid, renascent, bubbling, creative, inventive, adventurous, and imaginative as Jacques...