Slipping Off to the Sidelines
A young corps officer leader, just this week, asked me, “As a corps officer (pastor), with it’s incomparable demands, how did you manage...

Centeredness! (Part 1)
In order to stay balanced, as leaders, we must keep ourselves… CENTERED The Wallenda family was centered on the wrong person (see last...

Balancing Your Act!
I have been a Salvation Army Officer for 50 something years now. I write this in the context of officership, but it pertains to...

Here Come Da Judge!
Jesus says, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” For three years, Peter is sponge-like, soaking in this modern, new brand of...

Two Rongs Do Get It Right!
The fifth essential of authentic leadership is fairness and impartiality, as opposed to favoritism and one-sidedness. Herein defines one...

Trump Or Jesus?
Let’s pause for a moment this week and reflect upon the 4 essentials of authentic leadership: Glory, Grace, Truth and Worthiness. In so...

A Higher, Lower Level
Slowly and subtly, his lies become our lies leading to self-glory! (See previous post) I really don’t have to paint a picture here; it’s...

Authentic Truth
In this post, let's focus on “truth,” as it is the third essential of authentic leadership. Truth always intersects with grace (love),...

In this post, let's focus on “grace,” as it is the second essential of authentic leadership. Old Testament grace was defined by the law....

Jesus is the prototypical leader, authenticity personified, the quintessential leader role model. He instructs his disciples accordingly...