Take-Over Bid!
The suspense and intrigue of the 14th High Council is weaved throughout the book leading to a dramatic ending. See how John Gowans fits...

Provocative excerpt from The ERAS of His Way: The crest-breasted and chest-breasted swaying together? Talk about Blood & 'Fire and Fury.’...

WHAT A DEAL! Five For One (5-4-1) The Eras of His Way An Odyssey of Grit and Grace Chapter Sample Here: bit.ly/ERASample More info here:...

Ring in the New Year (New Era) with this spontaneous odyssey. Quoting preliminary readers of the book: "Illuminating! Inspiring!...

Due Process, Justice and Jesus!
Been thinking a lot about due process lately. Both inside the TSA and out, both as a victim and a spectator. Through it all, the...

The ERAS of His Way: Book Launch Coming!
‘Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.’ - Harry S. Truman, 33ed President of the USA, and shirttail relative. ‘When I hear...

Spaced Out!
It's either expressible or inexpressible one simple space the difference COMPASSION IN ACTION or COMPASSION INACTION It is not... Duty...

R Rated!
(Victims of Incest, Rape, Abuse Liberation) The “R” rating is threefold: 1. Raw! Real! This web series is not for the fainthearted or...

9/11 UNSUNG!
This photo taken when General Gowans visited Ground Zero in NYC (at the memorial for first responders who perished there). Just prior to...

Vigilante Love!
I’ve been thinking, maybe a little too deeply, does Satan respond to love? I think not. Hate is the antithesis of love and Satan is the...