Transformational Leadership!
In 2009, I wrote the following tribute. As I'm now adding it as a chapter in my soon to be published book, I felt prompted to share in...

Over the Congress weekend, so many asked what I am doing creatively and productively these days. Here's how I should have answered: I’ve...

Marching On!
With appointments being announced today, thought I would share excerpts from a book I am writing, still in its unedited form, the...

But wait theres more! (See previous post) The dream (previous post) nightmare continues here. Those who followed, several Head Honchos...

Last night I dreamt that Jesus changed his plans with another coming before the final one, in order to give us a second chance at getting...

Love Leads! To God be the Glory!
Thumbing through the March 2017 issue of the War Cry, a bit of nostalgia, along with a sense of eternal satisfaction floods our souls. On...

The Church (Body of Christ) must be ever mobile, fluid, renascent, bubbling, creative, inventive, adventurous, and imaginative as Jacques...

Compassion is Risky!
An important word here for leadership. We now exist in a risk-adverse culture and there are many reasons why, which I will continue to...

One Day Breath Will Cease. Meanwhile...
As I now breathe in these final septuagenarian breaths before becoming a bona fide octogenarian, these three words more aggressively...

The Power of Authentic Leadership!
For Doris and me, MLK, Jr’s impact upon our Ministry and leadership style was significant, the quote featured here very integral to it...