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9/11 UNSUNG!

This photo taken when General Gowans visited Ground Zero in NYC (at the memorial for first responders who perished there). Just prior to this photo, we were standing in the pit when an elderly responder came up to me, put his arms around me with a hug, and whispered into my ear, “You are the unsung heroes down here.” My response to him was, “No, sir, you are the real heroes!” “No,” he insisted, “You are the heroes!”

Several months later, watching TV, I saw this very man being interviewed on 60 Minutes. I learned that he was a retired fireman and that his son, also a fireman, was one of those first responders honored by this memorial. The father vowed to stay at Ground Zero until the remains of his son were found. They were eventually found resulting in this interview.

To think, that this man saw us, The Salvation Army, as the unsung heroes was a very humbling moment indeed. It was this encounter that inspired the making of a documentary titled, “Unsung!” honoring all responders. On this, the 15th anniversary, I invite you to view the film, honoring these men and women who truly understood the meaning of Love Leads:

Produced by The Salvation Army USA East

Written and Directed by Guy Noland

Narrated by Richard Dreyfuss

Toward the end, look for the dove flying off the cross. Perfect timing.

A God Thing!


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