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Due Process, Justice and Jesus!

Been thinking a lot about due process lately. Both inside the TSA and out, both as a victim and a spectator. Through it all, the following maxim has evolved:

Justice Without Compassion is Injustice!

Due process is the bedrock of democracy. A person is innocent until proven guilty, both secularly and ecclesiastically. The press is not judge and jury. Tribal persuasion is not judge and jury. The person in power is not judge and jury. The HR department (watchdog) is not judge and jury. The prosecution is not judge and jury. Everyone is entitled to a defense. There are two sides to every story. Due process is a compassionate thing.

Justice Without Due Process is Injustice!

Law should always be tempered with love. Jesus modeled that for us, didn't he? Tribal power and persuasion eventually did him in, though. ‘Crucify him!’ Pilate, the person in power, finally caved and gave them what they wanted. Tribal justice is a scary thing. It was the compassion part that drove them into a frenzy. The law mat-tered more than love.

Justice Without Due Process is Injustice!

I'm watching this play out now, secularly, and that's scary. I've watched it play out, ecclesiastically, and that's even scarier!

Justice Without Compassion is Injustice!

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