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The HR Department—AARGH!

Almost 81 years old, and I am at the end of my tether where the HR Department is concerned. Had there been a HR Department in 1865, there would be no Salvation Army today, no risk, no flexibility, no innovation—the law trumping love. Had there been a HR Department during my active eras as a Salvation Army officer, most of the pages in my book, pictured here, would be blanked out. Available:

And with hindsight, I should have added a chapter to our latest book also pictured here, General Counsel, a cross-generational representation counseling the next General elect and his/her appointed leaders. It would have counseled on the pitfalls of the HR Department, a modern day secular invention that champions law over love, going against the very DNA of TSA. Think I missed a perfect opportunity here. Ah, but there’s plenty of other good counsel in the present volume, available free as a PDF download: #loveleads

“If Christ cannot supersede the Law, then I am lost, and lost forever.”

Catherine Booth

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