The Naked Truth!

Several years ago, I copied this picture of The Naked Cowboy (a bit blurred) and the clothes less Fringle (who does have an apron on) off Facebook, where they are each pictured standing the July Kettle in Times Square, NYC. It was going to accompany what was to be a fun post on my Blog, including the YouTube link which unfor-tunately no longer exists.
The subject matter, however, has taken a significant turn making this writing a little more serious than it was meant and/or ought to be.
It appears as if the "powers that be" have ordered the perpetrator of this post to remove the photos and Internet link because there were some complaints regarding the chutzpah of it all. Oh my! How the Army culture has changed in New York City over the past Century.
Diane Winston, in her book, Red Hot and Righteous, details a bit of that early Army artistic panache, also objectionable to a grumbling few even then. Had HQ listened, and the antics of those early pioneers been dispelled, the Army would not be the cultural force that it is in America today, me thinks.
She goes on to quote this 1896 editorial in the War Cry:
“…we have commonly preferred to engage a secular place for our meetings…our greatest triumphs have been witnessed in theatres, music halls, rinks, breweries, saloons, stores and similar places.”
“Similarly, its evangelical street workers invented ever more dramatic ploys…staged ‘trials’ of the devil…preached from coffins…and appeared as ‘specialty’ acts with names such as the Golden Minstrel, the Saved Cowboy, and the Converted Pugilist.”
Saved Cowboy, Converted Pugilist? Oh, and the cowboy pictured is not naked by the way; he’s wearing SpongeBob Squarepants briefs and cowboy boots for God’s sake.

Look, is that a tattoo of Christ I detect on his left shoulder? The truth is, if we continue to play it safe, listening to the grumblers and naysayers, where will the army be tomorrow? Huh? Wait! This is tomorrow…
Jesus said, ‘No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.’ (Luke 9:62)
And that’s the naked truth!

Hot off the press, as I’m putting the finishing touches on this manuscript. Tomorrow has arrived, and the creative, risky, forward thinking Times Square officers (pastors) are seizing the day. Here they are, pictured below with some of their flock, joined by the Naked Cowboy, singing, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus,” YouTube link here:

Wait! More breaking news! Simultaneously to the naked cowboy gig, 94-year-old Commissioner Harry Reid is skydiving to raise money for a worthy cause, this jump commemorative of his World War II D-Day jump into France as a 20-year-old paratrooper. More here:

“I believe we should not withdraw
From a challenge; Yesterday is not
our best, our best is tomorrow.”
Harry Reid
Jump suit or no suit,
this challenge
says it all!
Seize the Day!